
The Terrible Ten Tradition - Generation XII

Filed under General on April 24, 2019 | Comment(s)

Since 1983, being named as a member of The Terrible-10 for a particular year has been one of the highest honors in the sport. 
Traditionally, Terrible Ten’ers have gone on to Pro super-stardom and many of the originals are now in the BMX Hall of Fame. It’s been six years since the last Terrible Ten was published in PULL magazine, and we congratulate those who made the cut. Narrowing the list to the Top-10 is always a hard task.
For this twelfth edition of the Terrible Ten, we’ve decided to break it down into three groups - Girls, Boys and for the first time ever - the mighty midgets of BMX; the Terrible 10 & Unders.
As with all past TT lists, we know that not everybody will agree with our final choices - so feel free to debate about it on social media. For our criteria, we first imagine a 50-person wide starting gate - and attempt to guess who the first ten riders would be to the first turn. After that has been debated, we then look at NAG rankings, wins and National and World Championship titles. Then, finally, we throw ten darts at the list and see where they land - predicting that these Top-10 will someday go on to become some of the Greatest Pro racers in our Sport.
Note: As it was written back in 1986, “For those who think they belong on this list and didn’t make it - PROVE IT.”

Expert Boys (15+)
Cam Wood - 17X - Avondale, Arizona 
Dustin Hammond - 20X - Columbia, Kentucky
Dylan Wood - 15X - Houston, Texas
Gavin Freewalt - 16X - Schaumburg, Illinois
Jack Kelly - 16X - Kearns, Utah
Jesse Welch - 18X - Perris, California
Kye Affoo - 18X - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Patrick Coo - 16X - Bellflower, California
Riley House - 18X - Gilbert, Arizona
Spencer Cole - 17X - Palm Harbor, Florida


Expert Girls (15+) 
Ashley Hayes - 17XG - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Emily Hayes - 17XG - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Daleny Vaughn - 17XG - Tucson, Arizona
Lexis Colby - 16XG - Wittmann, Arizona
Mackenzie Gayheart - 16XG - Ft. White, Florida
Maddie DeSantis - 15XG - Simi Valley, California
Natalee Daughtry - 16XG - Plano, Texas
Olivia Armstrong - 18XG - Bend Oregon
Payton Ridenour - 16XG - Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Tiegen Pascual - 15XG - Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia, Canada 


Terrible Ten & Unders
Alexander Booth - 9X - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Daniel Waters - 10X - Victorville, California
Eli Staton - 8X - Belton, Missouri
Ellie Carey - 7XG - Goodyear, Arizona
Gaige Gomolicke - 10X - Ukiah, California
Hayden Passanisi - 9X - Alpine, California
Joseph Mather - 8X - Omaha, Nebraska

Justin Perkins - 10X - Glendale, Arizona
Rowdy Holzer - 9X - Newcastle, California
Tommy Bruney - 10X - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

(ages listed are as of 3-22-19. Riders listed alphabtically by first name.)

Image Gallery

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Password must be at least 8 characters.

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Is this the rider's first time in BMX?
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You must be over the age of 18 to purchase a membership. Please have your parent or legal guardian create an account and purchase your membership.

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Balance Bike memberships are discounted and not considered a First Family Membership.
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Please choose the track you would like to credit your membership to, as this helps your home track earn their ranking within the state or province.

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Balance Bike memberships are discounted and not considered a First Family Membership.
If your family member(s) already have a membership, enter their serial numbers for a $5 discount on your newest membership.
Type of Membership

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Please review the waivers below carefully and submit your electronic signature to consent to them..

In order for the membership to be processed, the Sanction must receive your digital signature. By digitally signing in the box below, you agree to the terms and conditions of the waivers referenced above.

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