Erik Thureson
- Age
- 56
- Hometown
- Phoenix, AZ (USA)
- Track
- Black Mountain BMX
https://www.usabmx.com/site/postings/1103?section_id=8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Griggs
My name is Renato Pereira da Silva. I was born October 1, 1969, in Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil. I have one older brother, 2 older sisters and 3 younger brothers. Unfortunately, I lost one of my younger brothers when he was only 21. He was also a BMXer. I have always loved all kinds of sports. I first learned about BMX through a TV commercial about a Brazilian-manufactured bike. The theme song of the commercial, which I remember very well was “Í Want To Ride My Bicycle” by Queen. When I was 13 my mother bought me my first bike, a used one, which I shared with two of my brothers. When I was 14, my mother bought two of my brothers and me our first 20-inch BMX bikes. I raced in the following World Championship races - 1988 Belgium, 1989 Brazil, 1990 France, 1991 Norway, 1992 Brazil, 1993 Netherlands, 1994 U.S.A., 1995 Colombia, 2000 Argentina, 2001 U.S.A., 2002 Brazil, 2004 Netherlands, 2005 France, 2006 Brazil, 2016 Colombia, and 2017 U.S.A. I spent four and a half months in France with friends in 1991 and learned to speak French. I am fluent in Portuguese, French, and English. I was issued my first tourist U.S. visa in August 1993. I spent two months in Boston and then went to California. I applied for a Green Card upon arrival in California. Tourist Visa stays are usually for a six-month period at which time you must leave the U.S. and then can return for another 6 months. In June 2005 I went to Brazil to visit my relatives. I returned to the U.S. in July and was denied entry. Apparently, I had overstayed my tourist visa by two days in 1999 and 2005. I was not allowed to reenter the U.S. for 5 years. I, of course, continued to race and coach BMX. I also received my bachelor's and master's degree in Physical Education. In 2015 I applied for and received approval for my green card. I returned to California on July 4th, 2015. In 2018 I applied for U.S. citizenship. I became an American citizen on December 14, 2022. Now 40 years later, I have raced every year. Raced in many international and world championship races and won numerous Brazilian and American National and State races, was among the top 12 AA Pros in the U.S., was inducted into the Brazilian Hall of Fame in 2020, and was nominated for the U.S. Hall of Fame in 2023. I am still racing and this year I won for the 6th time the NAG (National Age Group). My favorite pastime is coaching BMX riders of all ages and skills. I enjoy working with the younger riders – the future BMX champions. It feels good to use my experience to help riders of all ages improve their skills and overcome their fears.
43 years old I race for Factory Black Crown Products 2007 NBL National Champion 2010 NBL National Champion 2010 ABA Nag 1 cruiser 2012 Eastern Division Champ
Racer and USABMX coach.
Started Racing 1978 Still race today 56 & Over Expert 56-60 Cruiser Racing Redline Bicycles for 44 years
I have had my share of races over the years and wouldn't change it for nothing! Met some of the best people and made some great friends across this country because of this sport!
I was born & raised is Illinois and started racing BMX in 1983 and quit in 1993. Then moved to AZ in 2001. Got back into racing in 2012 and been racing since. Im having a blast racing again and i love the sport.
My name is Greg Lanter, and at age 60 I Love BMX Racing! I believe it's one of the greatest family sports of all time. It's for the whole family, boys, girls, parents, grandparents, everyone can take part in some way. There are many riders in their 50's, 60’s, and even 70's at the track. I regularly see entire families racing together having a great time. It brings families together in a day and age that it's rare to have the whole family together for anything, much less enjoying their time together. It’s a great way for children to learn sportsmanship, parents to bond with their children, and have a great time doing it. I encourage anyone with interest in BMX racing to give it a try, or just come out to the track and show your support! I'm usually the oldest person on the track and feel slow in comparison to the younger more experienced riders, BUT I'll never give up. As long as I can ride around the track, win or lose, I will always do my best! Many Sunday afternoons I spend watching BMX Nationals on YouTube with my parents. I love to see them get excited over a close finish or a BIG jump! Monday and Friday evenings you'll find me racing at the local track with great friends and my family cheering me on. The physical benefits and the interest of my family and friends is what makes it so special to me. I have to thank God for the strength, and my friends and family for their encouragement! Without them it wouldn’t be possible! Remember,... Every race is a good race! See you at the track! Greg "Hollywood" Lanter Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. www.LanterBMX.com
After a 32 year pause, I’m back!!! Proudly representing Ssquared Texas!!
Just an old guy racing locally to have fun. I love getting out on the track and seeing what I can do.
Bmx fan, rider and spreader of the bmx goodness
Racer Highlights