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Winnebagoland BMX Map

4650 Jackson Street
Oshkosh WI 54901
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Track Operator:
Kris Weborg
Liz Weborg

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Race For Life Info

Dear BMXer,

Helping other people is one of the finest things that anyone can do in life. This is your opportunity through the sport we know and love to help people in two ways. First, through your gathering of donations for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, you will be helping fight and bring an end to dreadful diseases that affect thousands of people each year. Secondly, you can introduce BMX to friends and neighbors that may not have thought they would ever be able to participate in competitive BMX, as this is the ONLY race where you don`t have to be a USA BMX or BMX Canada member to try BMX. Their contributions will be their entry into the finest sport in the world, BMX.

BA Anderson
Chief Operating Officer
USA BMX / BMX Canada


The Mission

Since its inception in 1949, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® has been committed to finding cures for all blood-related cancers, but has not been able to effectively portray the breadth of its mission under a banner that emphasized a focus only on leukemia. Additionally, the Society is deeply concerned with the dramatic and unexplained rise in incidence rates of lymphoma during the last half of the 20th century. So on February 1, 2000, the Society unveiled a new name and logo. The new name, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® , along with a tag line, Fighting Blood-Related Cancers, was crafted to clarify the diseases that the Society fights.

We`re the same organization with the same mission. But we want everyone with a connection to blood-related cancers - patients, physicians and supporters - to understand that we are committed to fighting all hematological malignancies, including leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

The Society was further moved to implement the name change by a startling rise in lymphoma incidence rates. Statistics from the National Cancer Institute show that from the mid 70s into the 90s, lymphoma rates rose by more than 70 percent, which made it the third fastest rising cancer in the country during that period. Today 454,000 Americans have lymphoma. In 1999 alone an estimated 64,000 new cases were diagnosed. New cases of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma are rising by 1.1 percent per year while death rates are rising by 1.8 percent each year.


How To Start Fundraising

You can obtain a USA BMX "Race For Life" envelope from the people in registration at Winnebagoland BMX.  Once you have received your collection envelope, you need to start collecting donations from your relatives, neighbors and businesses in your community.  Instruct the donators to make checks payable to the USA BMX "Race For Life".  When you bring your donations to the track on the scheduled Race For Life date, put all the checks in the envelope but don't seal it because the track operator will have to verify what you have collected in order for you to be eligible to compete for the awards that will be given away.  If you need more envelopes, the people in registration will get you more.  


"Race For Life" Awards

$5 to $19.99 - Official "Race For Life" Certificate

$20 to $49.99 - Official "Race For Life" Patch

$50 to $249.99 - Official "Race For Life" T-shirt

$250 to $499.99 - Official "Race For Life" Jacket

$500 and over - All entry fees to the years USA BMX Grands FREE 

Top Fund Raiser Nationwide will receive a FREE trip for two to the USA BMX Grands.  The trip includes round trip airfare, event tickets and all entry fees.  
