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Oak Creek BMX Map

648 Riverside Ave
Roseville CA 95678
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Track Operator:
Amanda Lowry/Nathan Johanson

Rick Lowry

Track Image


Our track is run 100% by volunteers. We appreciate all the assistance we get throughout the year. Thank you for all you do for Oak Creek. Each of you are a part of making us the #1 track in the Nation!!!

Please click here to sign up

If it is your first time, please see below for job descriptions as well as Volunteer Ambassadors and their contact information for each position. The Volunteer Ambassadors will be made available to help train you and guide you through your first shift as well as be your point of contact should you have any questions or concerns.

Our Oak Creek Volunteer Facebook page has additional information on upcoming events, projects and opportunities to help.

Loaner Trailer

Please check in at the office about 15 minutes before registration begins to get your radio. The trailer will be unlocked for you. When someone comes to the office and asks for a loaner, we will radio you to head to the trailer. Bikes are all numbered. You will need to take the riders (or parents) drivers license and put their license in the corresponding pocket. You will need to head to the trailer after races have completed to check in the bikes that have been loaned out and return their license. Once all bikes have been checked back in, please bring the radio back to the office.

Volunteer Ambassador: Ben 916-804-2417


Please head to the office 15 minutes before registration begins. Check in with Amanda or Stacey and they will give you next steps. This position is done when registration closes.

Volunteer Ambassador: Amanda 707-318-3503 /Stacey 916-213-5778


With the exception of large events, the scoring position will be scoring all 3 rounds, including mains. Please check in with the office when you get here. Jessica or Stacey will give next steps.  

Volunteer Ambassador: Stacey 916-213-5778 / Jessica 916-254-8095


Check in with the office and get a radio. Head to your assigned turn prior to the first moto beginning. No turn assistance needed for striders. With the exception of large events, there should be one person per turn. If someone falls, access the situation. If possible, assist the rider in moving to the side of the track. If an emergency occurs where additional assistance is needed, please radio in. Volunteer Ambassador: Wayne Riser 916-871-9238


Check in at the office to get the list of individuals, a highlighter, and stickers. You will highlight each person that checks in with you and hand them a sticker. Please verify the ages and class when they check in. If something is incorrect, please make changes on the paper. Please turn everything back into the office when sign ups close and let the office know of any corrections.

Volunteer Ambassador: Jessica 916-254-8095

Tickets & Trophies

Come to the office on 2nd round staging.

Tickets - Grab the tickets and stand by the finish line (closer to the tree). Hand out tickets to first second and third place. Especially for total point races, please listen for the announcer who will indicate first second and third place. This is tough to do solo, usually more helpful with 2-3 people. 

Trophies - The trophies will be preselected based on the day and moto count. Take the trophies and set them out. Grab the bucket of track bucks as well. Riders will get 3 track bucks for first place, 2 track bucks for second place and 1 track buck for third place or a trophy not both.

Volunteer Ambassador for trophies: Stacey 916-213-5778 / Lulu 916-347-2840

Volunteer Ambassador for tickets: Lulu 916-347-2840

Snack Bar Opening

You will need to be at the snack bar about 30 minutes before sign ups to prep the snack bar. Instructions are posted on the wall. Your shift will end about second round when closing shift comes to relieve you.

Volunteer Ambassador: Cheyenne 916-802-9281 / Kim 916-799-8288

Snack Bar Closing

You will need to be at the snack bar by second round to relieve the people who opened the snack bar. You can expect to stay 30 minutes after races to shut down. Instructions are posted on the wall.

Volunteer Ambassador: Cheyenne 916-802-9281 / Kim 916-799-8288

Practice Gates

Check in at the office and grab a radio. There are 2 buttons on the box you will need to know, "Start/Stop" and "Gate". First, make sure everyone is loaded in the gate and ready to go. Press the "Start/Stop" button. Once everyone is out of the gate and the noise ends, press the "Gate" button (sometimes you need to hold the button a bit). This will bring the gate back up. You will need to ensure there are no riders down before you drop the next gate. Most of the time you will want to make sure the riders clear the first straight before dropping the next gate. If you press the "Start/Stop" button and for whatever reason there is an emergency or someone is not ready, press "Start/Stop" again and this will prevent the gate from dropping. If someone mentions they are "rolling" (which they should be telling you before they do so) please make sure that person is completely clear from the gate area before pressing the gate button. Please leave the radio there for the person who does race gates.

Volunteer Ambassador: Kaitlyn 530-329-1388

Race Gates

Please arrive during striders. There are 2 buttons on the box you will need to know, "Start/Stop" and "Gate". First, make sure everyone is loaded in the gate and ready to go. Press the "Start/Stop" button. Once everyone is out of the gate and the noise ends, press the "Gate" button (sometimes you need to hold the button a bit). This will bring the gate back up. You will need to ensure there are no riders down before you drop the next gate. Most of the time you will want to make sure the riders clear the first straight before dropping the next gate. If you press the "Start/Stop" button and for whatever reason there is an emergency or someone is not ready, press "Start/Stop" again and this will prevent the gate from dropping. Radio in case of emergencies. Once races are complete, please bring the radio back to the office.

Volunteer Ambassador: Kaitlyn 530-329-1388


Announcing duties include stating what moto is currently on the track, who is in the lead (typically at  about half track or turn 2) what action is happening during each race and who transfers each round and ultimately who gets podium positions. In addition the announcer also makes general announcements for the track including promoting the snack bar, feed vendors, and any special events or programs. 

Volunteer Ambassador: Ben 916-804-2417


Please arrive during striders. There is a top of the hill and bottom of the hill stager. The bottom of the hill stager calls out the motos, rider names and gate numbers, ensuring that all riders in each moto are prepared to get into their gate for their race. This stager ideally has a strong voice (we have bullhorns available to amplify your voice). The top of the hill stager loads the riders into the gate and helps ensure all riders make their races. It's not uncommon to field questions, repeat gate numbers, call out the names of missing riders, point out the gate that they need to be in etc. The pace is usually slower through the novice motos and speeds up throuh the more advanced riders, somtimes stacking the motos 2-3 deep.

Volunteer Ambassador: Nathan 916-769-2737
