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4801 SW Shunga Dr
Topeka KS 66614
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Track Operator:
Sydney Akin

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Public Meeting Minutes

Public Meeting Minutes

       Date/Time: December 27th, 2024 @  7:00pm  ║  Location: Crestview Shelter House,  4901 SW Shunga Dr.


Board Attendees

  1. Sydney Akin | Track Operator

  2. Matt Blake | President

  3. Sasha Horn | Vice President/Treasurer

  4. Kiera Chavez | Secretary

  5. Aaron Akin | Track Foreman

  6. Tiffany Dotson | Trustee 

  7. Lindsey Grist | Sponsorship and Fundraising

Call to Order 

  1. Public Board Meeting was called to order by Kiera Chavez at 7:04 pm at 4901 SW Shunga Dr.

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Meeting Agenda that was distributed was unanimously approved.

  2. Meeting Minutes of public board meeting on 09.20.23 approved by Kiera Chavez and seconded by Aaron Akin.

Call for Open Board Positions

  1. No present member was nominated for the available board positions at this time.

Financial Report

  1. Current balance is $10,326.62 as of 12/27/23. Outstanding Balances due will be paid by TO prior to 2024 season starting

    1. HME rental in the amount of  $2,856.00 

    2. USABMX in the amount of $379.00 for unpaid TORF’s from the 2020 season. 

Old Business

  1. Track Build Progress

    1. Seed planted by Shawn Hiatt

      1. Will be returning to help lay more seed in the spring.

    2. Working with AJ Hopper for starting hill concrete

    3. Marty Grist and Travis Fraizer worked on the starting hill placing some blocks and building retaining wall

New Business

  1. Rider Appreciation Banquet

    1. January 14th at 6pm was approved by attending members with location to be announced

    2. Members voted in favor of foregoing traditional awards and only recognize proficiency move up awards

  2. Track Build

    1. Concept Art shared for asphalt corners, starting hill and gate

    2. HME Sponsored Gate build which Howard Stice and Dayne Eaton have completed.

    3. Work Quotes

      1. Sunflower Paving quote $46,000 to asphalt all turns 

      2. Waiting for a quote from Bettis Asphalt

    4. $75,000 worth of requests have been approved by Parks and Rec for the following work

      1. Lighting, Fencing, Bleachers and Pads

    5. Talked with WeDigginIt about coming back out for track work

    6. Eric Spreer to do prep work on starting hill for concrete

  3. 2024 Season

    1. Opening Day

      1. April 13th, 2024

    2. State Weekend

      1. June 15th for Bob Warnicke - Double Alongside OG Race

      2. June 16th for State Qualifier - Double

    3. Member topic request to move race days to Sunday’s

      1. It was brought up that most of our active volunteer group races out of town and may prove problematic

        1. Community Outreach and rebuilding community relations will be planned out prior to the season

      2. A member poll will be put out to the community via social media to vote on most desirable days

      3. A suggestion was offered at this time by Mike Brent to try a two race week.

        1. This will also be rediscussed at our future board meeting barring public poll results and community outreach plan of action to increase volunteerism

      4. Members approved maintaining Saturday races for now and further at next public board meeting

Board Position Vote

  1. A last call was announced for any member interested in filling a vacant Board position

  2. 2024 Board positions were unanimously voted in by members as follows

    1. Sydney Akin - Track Operator

    2. Matt Blake          ❖    President

    3. Sasha Horn         ❖    Vice President/Treasurer

    4. Kiera Chavez      ❖    Secretary

    5. Aaron Akin         ❖    Track Foreman

    6. Tiffany Dotson    ❖    Trustee 

    7. Lindsey Grist      ❖    Sponsorship and Fundraising


Meeting adjourned by Kiera Chavez at 7:45 pm


Member Meeting Minutes 12/27/23


