Contact Us
Greater Victoria BMX Map

1767 Island Hwy
Victoria BC V9B 1J1
View Map | Get Directions

Track Operator:
Kyle Besler
(250) 516-6703

Track Image


Are there any age restrictions?

No, any age rider can ride and race BMX. We have children on Striders (no pedal / balance bikes) as young as 2 riding each week and even offer Strider racing during our normal weekly races. At the other end of the spectrum, we have riders as old as 75 who come out and race with us. Children, parents, grandparents are all welcome to race BMX, there is a class for everyone!

Is the track open all the time?

We lease this land from Westshore Parks and Recreation, the track is open to the public when we dont have BMX races or practices = sanctioned events.  The track is closed seasonally from October to end of March.

Track dates/times are posted on the Schedule page on our website. There are several BMX tracks on the Island that are open year around, we strongly encourage you to visit some of our sister tracks and see all that BMX has to offer.

Currently, we have 2020 COVID protocols in place for everyones safety.  Please follow the COVID safety plan posted at the gate entry.

How do I know if my son or daughter is ready?

There's no one size fits all answer to this one, but in general, if your son/daughter is able to ride their bike over uneven ground, they’re ready to race BMX. The very best way to find out if your child is ready is to come out to a practice and ask the GV BMX volunteers to have a rider escort your child around the track. We'll pair your child up with an older rider who can guide them around the track and help you assess their readiness.

Do they need special equipment to ride?

Long pants and a long sleeve shirt are required - gloves, knee and elbow pads are highly recommended. A helmet is always required and we highly recommend a full-face helmet (we have some full face helmets in the motoshed to borrow). You can ride your own bike but if it has reflectors, chain guards, and pegs, kick stands they need to be removed before riding on the track. Mountain bikes are okay to ride on the track as well. You will need to sign a one day waiver to ride the track, but it’s completely free.

Can my child use their own bike or do they have to use a special bike?

At the end of the day, we want your rider to feel comfortable on the track. Riding a weird bike on a BMX track can be too much for some kids, play it safe and bring their bike. If they want to try one of our bikes, just let us know and we'll help you find the right size.

Track Safety

The track is ONE-WAY ONLY. Do not ride the track backwards or crosscut to other areas. It is difficult to see over obstacles and DANGEROUS COLLISIONS can occur. In the event of a fall resulting in injury, there are certified first aid personnel present at all times. Race officials will caution all other riders on the track and assistance will be immediate. Parents of injured riders must stay off the track unless their assistance is requested by the attending first aid person.

Club Meetings

All members are welcome and encouraged to come along as all ideas are valuable, There is no expectation or pressure put on parents to attend but we do encourage you to come along to be a voice. Stay tuned to our website, Facebook and emails.

Can I help out?

Absolutely! We are 100% volunteer run at GV BMX.​ There are no paid staff whatsoever. If you'd like to help out and join the best team in BMX, just let us know: post a message on the Facebook group, email us, or see us at Registration during a practice or race day. We could always use some extra hands helping out and there are a wide variety of jobs available. Some of the Volunteer positions always needed: Race Nights

  • Track preparation (30-45 minutes before registration time starts)
  • Registration
  • Gate starter
  • Race officials
  • Clean-up crew
  • First Aid Practice Nights
  • Track preparation
  • Track officials
  • Gate starter
  • Clean-up crew

There is other jobs that are always need to be done on and off the track, we are always looking for volunteers that have special talents, construction, plumbers, electricians, IT, fundraisers and community donations.

Please Fill out this Rider info and Volunteer Form and tell us a little about yourself:
