(subject to change as we are booking some track work to prep for nationals)

Tuesday June 14th - Race Day reg 530-630pm racing ASAP
pre-reg by texting 250-516-1269 before 5:30pm

Thursday June 16th - practice 6-8pm (striders/partial track 6-645pm)

Saturday June 18th Provincial Races Up Island (race fees $15)
Coal Hills - reg 9-10am
Oceanside - reg 2-3pm
Sunday June 19th Provincial races Up Island (race fees $15)
Nananimo - reg 9-10am

Sunday June 19th Provincial Race Victoria reg 3-4pm racing ASAP
pre-reg by texting 250-516-1269 before 2pm (race fees $15)

We will need volunteers for race days especially Provincial as it will be busy, please email bmxvictoria@gmail.com or comment on our Facebook posts.