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Raytown BMX Map

12605 Frost Rd
Kansas City MO 64138
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Track Operator:
Nate Jonjevic
Hector Loredo

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Coaches Corner: Training Tips From Coach Alan Hill

5 Rules of Racing

By Chris Hagan


  1. Safety: You have to be safe or you don't belong on the track. Causing an injury to you or someone else because of not being                   safe is not a good practice for anyone.
  2. Sportsmanship: Racing is very competitive and can become frustrating at times, no matter what you must be a good sport on               and off the track. You represent your family and team out there. Don't be a Goofball! Be a good sport!
  3. Smile: Have fun out there and enjoy the racing. If you are not smiling and having fun then what are you at the track for? Even                 when having a bad day at the track it's still a great day to spend with family and friends.Win or lose it's still a good day!
  4. Set-Up: Be prepared! Come to the track ready to race. Have your gear clean and inspected. Check your bikeand have all                         repaires made a head of time, Check air pressure in tires, chain tension, overall mechanical condition. The time to fix                 something is not while races are taking place.
  5.  Speed: If you are following rules 1 through 4 honestly and effectively, in time and through hard work the speed will come. You                  can not get to Rule #5 without following Rules 1 through 4 effectively. 


I have been racing or associated with racing for nearly 40 years and I believe in these rules 1000% Thank you Chris Hagan and the Twisted Concepts US team for the use of these rules,

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"   -Coach Alan "the Bulldog" Hill
