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Vernon BMX Map

Ranger Park 1900 47th Ave
Vernon BC V1T 8X4
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Track Operator:
Shylo Orchard
Track Phone

Chris Spence

Track Image

Code of conduct

We are a volunteer run organization that is dedicated to promoting the sport of BMX racing. We believe BMX is a great sport that teaches individuals the importance of hard work, commitment, and dedication through the practice of skills and the application of these skills in a competitive environment. The nurturing and development of these skills will increase the self esteem of the rider.

Rider’s Code of Conduct

  • I will ride because I want to, not because my parents or others want me to.

  • I will ride by the rules and in the spirit of the race.

  • I will control my temper – fighting or ‘mouthing –off’ can spoil the activity for everyone.

  • I will respect my opponents.

  • I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.

  • I will treat all spectators and participants with respect and avoid negative criticism.

  • I will lead by example and always demonstrate good sportsmanship before and after races.

  • I will respect the officials and their authority during races.

  • I will respect all facilities and equipment made available.

  • I will not use profanity, abusive language or threatening behavior towards any rider, parent, or track official.


Parent’s Code of Conduct

  • I will not force my child to ride BMX.

  • I will remember that my child rides for his or her enjoyment, not mine.

  • I will encourage my child to ride by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.

  • I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the race.

  • I will make my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and hard.

  • I will never ridicule or yell at my child for making a mistake or losing a race.

  • I will remember that children learn by example. I will applaud good riding and performances by both my child and their opponents.

  • I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to BMX for my child.

  • I will not condone the athletic use of alcohol, drugs or banned performance-enhancing substances.

The Parent and Volunteer


Each track needs a home club to provide a base for local riders. A committed group of volunteers that turn up on a regular basis, every week on the day and time regardless of the weather or other commitments. Children in particular will very soon lose faith in an organization that will only operate when it suits them.


To many kids their school and their BMX club are the only stable things in their lives with the only reliable adults, sad but true. A rolling program of events is a must in order to maintain interest with rewards and recognitions. The reward system is important in particular to new members and supporters. Also of importance is to encourage one or two established, older racers to be involved with the club, as younger riders need their local heroes to look up to and emulate.


The whole community benefits by getting kids into sport who quite often shy away from mainstream sporting activities. It takes them off the street, away from the TV, video or computer games and keeps them active.
