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Sarasota BMX Map

1590 North Tuttle Avenue
Sarasota FL 34237
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Track Operator:
Erma Miller

Jen Chambers

Track Image


Board (Officers)
•Vice President

Board (Track Officials)
•Track Director
•Asst Track Director
•Track Clerk of Course
•Track Head Official
•Track Head Scorer

Nominations and Elections are coming up on January 17th, 2018.  Each year, members of the Sarasota BMX parents council BOD (the Board) are elected by the Parent Council according to the Bylaws.  Now is your opportunity to become directly involved with the SRQ BMX, Inc. decision making procedures.

Recommended Basic Standards for serving on the SRQ BMX Board
1.Nominees must be 18 Years of age or over
2.Nominees must have volunteered at the track during practice or race a minimum of 20 times or donate 20 hours of service time to the track during the previous 12 months
3.No two people from the same family shall run for any two positions at any given year
4.The offices of President, Track Director and Treasurer require previous Board experience

SRQ BMX is run by volunteers. Most of the volunteer force comes from the Board. If you accept a nomination for a Board position, please consider the following:
•All Board Members are expected to be leaders of SRQBMX, it is a responsibility not a title with special privileges
•Your loyalty will be to SRQBMX at all times in developing premier racing and training programs for all our riders
•The term is two years for Directors and one year each for the 4 Officers
•We need your continued volunteerism to help carry on the success of our racing and training programs
•You are committing to helping in whatever capacity during all local races, practices, training and all large state, national and international events
•You are committed to attending Board meetings once a month held on the 3rd Wednesday
•All members have an equal say in Board activities and entitled to vote on issues brought before the board
•You will not be compensated monetarily for any position
•Your compensation comes in the form of being able to help mold the future of racing and training at SRQBMX
•Please do not accept a nomination if you are not committed to all the above

