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4401 Hobbs Lane - next to church
Richmond VA 23231
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Track Operator:
Sandi Wiley

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Richmond BMX News

  • 2018 Season is almost here!!!

    Its just a few more weeks until the start of the 2018 season, one we are sure is going to be the biggest and best ever at Richmond BMX. The Season Opener is set for Sunday March 4th with registration and practice from 12-1:30pm. This is always one of the biggest races of the season so be sure to get there early, but do not fear we will have two computers running registration so lines should be minimal! Before we start the season, we have some prep to do around the joint so if you are as ex...

  • 2017 Awards Banquet

    The date has been set, the room booked, final points standings calculated and the 2016 Awards Banquet is just around the corner!! Saturday, January 13th from 1:00-4:00pm at the Rockville Center 16238 Pouncey Tract Road, Rockville, VA 23146. Same location for the fourth year in a row, and a perfect place for our banquet. We will have lots of great awards and prizes to hand out. If you competed in at least 5 races at Richmond BMX this season you are eligable for a season endin...

  • 5th Annual LUCK CUP!

    Another season has come to a close for Richmond BMX and there is no better way to celebrate than with our 5th Annual Luck Cup. What started as a send-off for Art and Wendy Luck after years of running the Richmond BMX track, has become an annual celebration of the completed racing season. A day with fun races like "Adult Strider" or Race Luck for a Buck, Footdown and more... Oh and the racing! DOUBLE POINTS! so you know there will be lots of riders. And as usual we have a Pot Luck...

  • New Rider Clinics

    Our Holeshot New Rider Clinic has seen many many riders pass thru the program to go on to become extremely proficient riders over the past 4 years. While attendance early on was very strong, the participation recently has dropped off significantly. In the interest of providing a well balanced program for all riders and to focus more directly on what riders need to work on, we are going to change up our program. The New Rider Clinic will now run as a week to week program. So instead of 6 co...

  • 2017 State Qualifier Pre-Sign

    Pre-Registration for SCQ To pre-register for the Sunday State Qualifier race this weekend at Richmond BMX, send an email to with the required details (see below). On Sunday we will have a pre-registration check-in table where you can pay cash or check the total registration fees. NO CARDS, Cash or Check ONLY Please!   We will respond to each email with a registration confirmation. Without that confirmation we cannot assure the rider has bee...

  • Round two of the Holeshot Clinic starting Tuesday!!

    ROUND 2 STARTING THIS TUESDAY! Richmond BMX is excited to kick off the second of 3 rounds in 2017 of our very successful NEW RIDER HOLESHOT PROGRAM. This is a weekly skills clinic running for 6 weeks which is designed to teach new riders of all ages the basic skills that will help them become a more skilled and confident BMX racer. The clinic will run Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 PM starting with the first group to start May 31st. Cost for the entire program is $7...

  • 2017 New Rider Holeshot Clinic starts 4/18!

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL NEW RIDERS!!! Richmond BMX is excited to kick off the first of 3 rounds in 2017 of our very successful NEW RIDER HOLESHOT PROGRAM. This is a weekly skills clinic running for 6 weeks which is designed to teach new riders of all ages the basic skills that will help them become a more skilled and confident BMX racer. The clinic will run Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 PM starting with the first group to start April 12th. Cost for the entire program is $75...

  • What a start to the 2017 Season

    Crisp dry 50 degree blue skies make the perfect backdrop for 186 riders in 44 motos at little ole Richmond BMX in Gillies Creek Park, the hidden gem of BMX right here in the RVA! Wow, what a day! A record setting day for sure, one that felt more like a SCQ or Gold Cup event, classes were stacked. Whether it was the 41-45 cruiser class with 9 riders (yeah, old dudes... early in the season.... full rack), `` novice with a full rack of 8, the 31-35 and 51-55 cruiser classes with 7, FIVE AND U...

  • 2016 Awards Banquet

    The date has been set, the room booked, final points standings calculated and the 2016 Awards Banquet is just around the corner!! Saturday, January 21st from 1:00-4:00pm at the Rockville Center 16238 Pouncey Tract Road, Rockville, VA 23146. Same location for the third year in a row, and a perfect place for our banquet. We will have lots of great awards and prizes to hand out. If you competed in at least 5 races at Richmond BMX this season you are eligable for a season ending awar...

  • RaceFor91 / StrengthFor91

    As many of you are aware, Sam Willoughby, a true Pro's Pro crashed on September 10th suffering a fracture to his neck resulting in the loss of movement from his chest down. Successful surgery repaired the damage but he has a very long recovery ahead to regain movement and ultimately walk again. Doctors are optomistic for a full recovery but the recovery will be very long and expensive. The Road2Recovery organization has started a fund to help Sam and Alise cover the expen...
